Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain is defined as any form of pain that is persistent and lasts for months or years. Treatments depend on the severity and type of pain, which can generated by muscle, bone, joint or nerve to name few. Pharmacalogical relief ie. pain medications and non-pharmacalogical treatments such as Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Surgery and Nerve blocks are traditional options for sufferers. However, many long-term patients are looking for alternatives as they do not want to be in pain, or on medication forever. For those not opting for Physical, Psychological or Pharmacological interventions, medication-free Neurofeedback is a viable alternative.
There are many factors which affect how a pain signal is perceived, making it a very complex sensation to address. Individual differences in neurochemistry, receptor density, behaviours and reaction to stress and trauma can vary the experience of pain. Anxiety and depressive symptoms are also frequently present in chronic pain patients, which further complicates assessment and treatment.
Using Neurofeedback as a treatment modality for chronic pain, has been extensively studied. A Meta-analysis of 21 studies conducted by Petal et al. in 2020, found very promising results. Across the board, the level of pain lowered between 6%- 82% from NF treatment, with 10 of the studies reporting > 30% reduction. Anxiety, depression and sleep problems were also seen to decrease in many of the studies. Further higher quality research into NF specifics, is however, required to combat this debilitating and universal illness.
How QEEG and Neurofeedback can help
The major benefit of the QEEG an NF is that it is completely personalized. QEEG Metrics in intensity/power, frequency/speed and coherence are measured in brain regions and compared to population databases. Deviant electrical activity is identified, and this can be targeted in the treatment protocol. Research has found the Theta band, specifically 4-9 Hertz, is involved in pain disorders. Depending on type and extent of pain, and individual differences, pain can be abnormally processed anywhere from frontal to occipital areas. However, elevated theta is most commonly seen in the anterior Cingulate cortex (ACC), medial prefrontal cortex and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Through repetition and reward, the swLORETA training software discourages the unhealthy deviant response, and promotes the preferred pattern. Neuroplasticity (rewiring within the brain) usually occurs after a number of sessions and enables the healthier pattern to gradually overpower the dysfunctional pattern. When QEEG results improve, the brain balances, and maps become “greener”, it is not unusual for overall health to stabilize. For example, when pain is better controlled, negative symptoms such as anxiety and depression can also disappear.
Note :NDIS approved participants may be eligible for capacity building funding - please confirm with NDIS coordinator prior to booking.